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Kristina As Told By Canadian Immigrants

Have you ever thought about moving to Canada, or are in the process of moving to Canada and wondered what it will be like or have some uncertainties, questions, fears? ​For many people the Canadian Immigration process seems daunting, even the idea of moving to Canada seems daunting, complicated or impossible. With the right information that thought could easily be turned into a more positive and progressive thought, followed by action!


Hear the first-hand experiences of how we got here, immigration processes & our experiences living here as "Canadians". Our brand is all about sharing information through our experience as Canadian Immigrants, why not get it from the horses mouth!?

Host - Kristina has had 7 years dealing first hand with several immigration processes starting with her own student visa all the way to citizenship and has encouraged people along the way. She has found much enjoyment in hearing and sharing with others and wants to be the comforting and hopeful voice.

I am proud of our growing community of users who visit our website and YouTube channel, offer their feedback and suggest future content & collaborations. If you’d like to join this community subscribe to our YouTube channel for free, join our website by singing up in the form above.


To discuss working together please send Kristina an email.

Legal Disclaimer

We make every effort to ensure quality information is available on this website. The information we share is for general information purposes only and does not, in any way, assess nor confirm an individual’s eligibility for Canadian immigration. Nothing presented on this website, on our YouTube channel or any other platform we own is to be used as professional advice or to be used as substitute for the advice of an immigration lawyer or consultant. Please seek advice from a qualified Canadian immigration Consultant and get appropriate professional advice specific to your situation before any action or decision is taken on the basis of any of the information we provide. 

​Our community does not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information we provide on this website, YouTube or any other platform we own. We assume no legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information.

Anything that is said and information appearing on this site reflect an expression of the personal views, experiences, research and opinions of the individuals speaking and have been prepared for the intended reference by interested individuals and is not intended to create an attorney/consultant-client communication.

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